Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Good bye to the Flip Flops

Boy, fall/autumn is here! the weather is cool at nights -warm enough for the heat to be turned on and although its still nice during the day we are having chilly nights of like 30-40 degrees the past few nights, even woke to a frost yesterday morning.

I'm not ready for wearing jeans/pants and coats yet, I'm still stuck on shorts and tank tops and finally broke out my sneakers and winter shoes, hating to say good bye to the flip flops.
Although I still wore flip flops this past weekend --- during the day its a little chilly for them, and I hate to get sick. So, today we're saying good bye to the flip flops!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Trouble in Paradise

Well, its been trouble in paradise here, what a saying. My laser cutter known as the Xyron Wishblade crashed this week, leaving me on a man hunt for a new one. I spent almost 450.00 on this machine over a year ago, over warranty I'm out of luck. Thank goodness with a little determination and searching I found one locally on ebay --I'm picking it up in about 45 mins. I cannot wait, I've not been able to process orders on ebay for 5 days and I'm going stir crazy.

I just hope, this brand new one, works with my computer --- another issue.

So as you see I haven't been having a good week and therefore not blogging........I'm hoping today is a turnaround for a good week ahead. Have a great fall day!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Taylor and Mom

Just a fun photo I found on myspace.com page today while browsing old photos, gee! Taylor looks so young and this was only what? 2 or 3 years ago?
This photo was taken at KINGS DOMINION in Virginia on one of our last vacations we took, and yes! its been that long since we have taken a vacation for more than a weekend.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Halloween is coming!

Halloween is coming and I found this ugly icky photo from last' years Halloween Party........needless to say they won the ugliest costume that night!