Sunday, December 31, 2006


H A P P Y N E W Y E A R!!!! 2-0-0-7

Hope everyone has a great Happy New Years Eve!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

the new Job- Chef

oK, to play catchup now.......I've been away from my blog so much I have tons of pictures to share with everyone.

Steve just started a chef job in Lancaster about 4 weeks ago, I wanted to take a pic of him, one in a lifetime picture and he brought his hat home the other day, as I told him, he needs the entire work outfit on to make it complete. Here is a picture, smile Steve -don't look so happy.
He really enjoys this new job.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Back OnLine

Yeah! I'm back OnLine and computer is home.............I have so much to share from the hoLidays but probabLy won't be able to do that til the weekend, so check back then, Happy HoLidays everyone!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Computer Crash

Oh no~ my computer crashed last Wednesday 12/20 and hasn't been home since. Of course, I have been checking emails/ebay website stuff throughout the weekend but its been crazy! I cannot do anything with orders, and the worst time of the year for this to happen.

I'm using my parents computer to check everything once a day and do as much as possible while I'm here, and I have so much to talk about. I cannot wait to get it back, hoping tonight or tomorrow (after 1 week of waiting) they said 3-5 days to repair it and see what's wrong.

Our holiday went too fast, or actually not having a computer at home was refreshing but also disappointing with my customers, I'm hoping to take 1 full day and get things caught up when I get it back.

Happy HoLidays everyone, sorry I haven't blogged in aLmost a week, and I missed it so much!

Chat soon!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

New Look

Does something Look different? of course, my background is now black. Another gaL just recommended black as a background, makes pictures stand out more and the colors in the wording really stand out. I love it!

Thanks Missy for the great idea and hope you don't mind me copying!

Happy HoLidays!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

A/C in the winter time?

What's up with the AC on it in the wintertime? Ok, I admit it, I went shopping today and actually had the AC running in the car and the windows down, yikes! will I end up sick? Probably not........but its now Dec.17th and a week from Christmas and its not what its suppose to be weather temperature wise, like 30-40 degrees in Pennsylvania. But its 65 degrees out? Like spring time or late fall weather here.........I love it! But sure don't feel like December in PA here.

I was shopping today and had no jacket, and the windows down in the car sweating (which doesn't take much for me to sweat) but its unreal.........guess we better enjoy it whiLe we can.

The neighbor boy, Bryce, had his bday party today and usually they are inside with snow on the ground....but today I got home unloading the car and they boys were all outside running around and playing in the yard. Very odd to see that happen.

The heat is off in the house, saving us on gas $$ yeah! I wont' complain.

Probably next week it'll feel like winter, but for now I can handle this 60-65 degree weather.

I wont say that too loud now.

Welp, better get going, we must decorate our tree tonight that's been up for a week now with only lights on it. Happy HoLidays everyone!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

TayLor's Concert

Taylors concert was the other night, Wednesday in fact, and I took pics, none of them turned out, they were either blurry or dark. We need a new digital camera, our old one cannot be changed as far as flash settings and now I'm realizing its true, we must break down and get one and I think that' going to be our Christmas gift for both Steve & I instead of buying for one another............tis the Season!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Christmas at Our House

Ok, I finaLLy took some time today and got my pics taken around the house. I reaLLy didn't have time today to be doing this, but I've been rushing around like a chicken with its head cutoff all morning getting orders done for shipments (for eBay) and rushing to the post office, that i needed some down time to relax before I head back to the craft table and work on more orders.

Here are some photos around OUR HOUSE........of course, our tree isn't decorated yet so there is no picture yet, soon promise..........our lights are on the tree, but no decorations yet, we plan to do that on Sunday when we're all home together. With Steve's new job schedule, its hectic here now. The pictures are small, so click on them to view larger if you wish.

My Santa claus and Poinsettia that I just had to have, the poinsettia that is.........

My favorite thing about my house, my banister with my garland/lights/berries on it, everyone just loves it, although I keep the garland/berries/lights up all year round, this bow makes it look more like the holidays!

Ok, above is my garland on our dining room doorway. I just had to have these large christmas tree balls, too big for our tree of course, I bought 4 of them.........I wanted large ones last year but never bought them, so I did this year. And they kind of looked neat hanging here with our mistletoe and garland bow. And of course Steve pointed out, they are Redskins colors, but wasn't planned.

Ok, my 1st year decorating my kitchen, its a little messey on my kitchen buffet table but here is some of it, my gingerbread lady ---my kitchen is done in gingerbread year round but I added some placemats, and flowers to the table this year.

And my back door decor........Normally Mr. Santa sits inside but for some reason Steve's Redskins decor took over our living room and something is in his place where he normally stands..........I thought he looked neat by my "fake" poinsettia plant by the back door. More people and our neighbors see our back door more than our front. But I still have my "fake" poinsettia by the front door too. I have more pics to post and will do in the days to come.

My blogging will be limited through the holidays until I get caught up on orders to ship........that is my goal this weekend. To get caught up and everything shipped by Monday.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Oh Christmas Tree!

Ok, we finally got our christmas tree today, we have for every year we've been together, went out and cut our own christmas tree down at a local christmas tree farm in the area. Its only 5 mins from the house if that. A huge hill full of trees, we looked and looked, and every one Steve liked I found something wrong with, and poor Taylor just carried the stick around waiting for me to make a decision. You carry this long stick with you with a bright orange or red ribbon tied to the end, when you find the tree you like, you raise the stick beside the tree and wait.........the cutters will come find you in a 4 wheeler with a chainsaw and cut your tree down and bring it back down the hill for you to wrap and drill it for you. (In case those who never been to a tree farm, that's how it works) I took some photos while having fun today!

And did I mention it was COLD as crap ---laugh......about 35 degrees and windy, felt like 20 degrees out there.

Taylor was just picking at the branches trying to pass time.

Here we thought we had this tree already, the stick is raised and the posing was ready until I saw a new tree in the distance......and..................

Bingo! here is the tree we brought home instead. Laugh, I just couldn't make up our mind. And boy does that tree smell good in the house, we have the lights on it right now, that's it. So, probably sometime Monday evening when we're all together again, we'll finish decorating the tree..........what fun!

Cold Day in PA

boy, is it cold this morning.........something like 20 degrees they said? whoa! And I have running around to do today, yikes! I also want to take some pics today and share of our decorations around the house, inside and out. I've been trying to get ready for christmas this year with different decorations. We've lived here for almost 7 years now and everything's the same. I'm even tired of my kitchen decor (everyday that is).

I bought my first Kitchen towels, placemats and decorations for Christmas this year, I've never ever put holiday decor in my kitchen, so I think it looks festive, I'll share pics tomorrow. I even put holiday decor in my downstairs bathroom.

I love Lights, Steve thinks I went a little crazy with lights in the house, we have them on the banister, across garland in front of the TV, above the computer stand (which I have turned off for now), and on a small decor tree in the living room too. I just love the look of white lights twinkling in the house, which many I keep up all year round. Just wait til the tree gets put up and there's MORE LIGHTS on the tree! laugh. We won't need to turn the regular lights on in the house, which I like it dark anyways, I hate bright lights. (overhead lights that is)

Today we plan to go to my mom's for a bit, go shopping for a red shirt for Taylor (holiday concert coming up and she needs a red shirt for their in-school concert), and tonight go to a christmas party for Steve's part-time job, they invited us for a party tonight for family & kids which includes dinner and gifts for the kids, very kind, cannot wait - we never went before. We should have a good time.

So, for now, see ya! Will add pics later today or tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Snow Flurries?!?

Did I hear snow flurries in the forecast? Oh my gosh! no way possible.......but there is snow flurries on the 5 day forecast here in PA, which some areas have already received some snow, I'm not ready yet.....but its possible.
I think winter is coming, our warm weather spurt we had last week spoiLed us and now we have cold weather here now. I think we even saw the 20's sometime this past week. Yikes!

I DON'T WANT SNOW........!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Tis the Season

Tis the Season so everyone says, I'm starting to put our Holiday decor out, meaning outside and inside. I don't do much outside decorating as Steve already has his Redskins Football stuff out front and makes it look too crazy, I put a few things by the front and back door and wreaths on the doors, that's about it. We have lights hanging from our front porch, Icicle lights and that's about it for this year.

We have the living room ready for the tree, but waiting on Taylor to help us pick it out and bring it home, probably this weekend.

I want to put more things in my kitchen this year, and plan to get some things today (decorations or more so of kitchen towels, hot pads, etc.) which I never have had since we lived here and thats almost 8 years. Yikes! I always concentrate on my dining room, living room and even my bathroom downstairs, laugh. So, we will see what I can find. Something nice looking but cheap.

Well, I have tons to do today and so many errands to run, will be back shortly to chat later.
Happy Holidays everyone!