Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008

Well, its NEW YEARS EVE day and I'm trying to think what to blog about and figured I'd say goodbye to 2008. It wasn't a horrible year in fact, some good things came out of it. But I do want to start 2009 with a good start.

Being single is a start, I am now starting my new life adventure with my daughter of 13, Taylor -and myself. It'll be an adventure for sure. Being alone is tough, but we will make it.

I'm so excited to end this year with good thoughts and start the new year with a positive attitude!

Happy New year Everyone!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to Todd, my brother who turns 40 today! ya' old fart.........getting ready now to go to work and than head over to my mom's where they are coming in from town for the holidays today --- we plan to have a nice dinner, open gifts and mingle. Plus, celebrate his 40th --wow! and to think I only have 3 more years til I hit the big 40!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Wacky Weather

Ok, we're having wacky weather here in the northeast, yesterday it was like 29 degrees high and so frigid cold and tomorrow they are calling for 56 degrees and nice.

The weather is really up and down here. I'm enjoying the warmer weather and just glad its not snow, not yet. Nothing wrong with a big snow -but I want it to happen on the weekend when I'm off work and home.

I'm counting down now 10 days til christmas! yikes!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

18 more days!

This photo above taken last year for the REDSKINS XMAS PARTY 2007.

18 more days to Christmas, are you ready? I am not. Don't forget to have a nice holiday and stay warm!

I don't have nothing to blog about today except its extremely cold out, and I have had some issues with my car window (drivers side) not being able to work, so its been down and won't move now for a week, I'm hoping to have the switch part in hand by Tuesday to fix it, its so cold driving around with the window down, brrrr!

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Its Snowing

Its snowing, not much -enough to cover the grass and make the roads slick cause its so so COLD out, brrrrr!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

New Background

I changed my background this weekend so it looks more christmassy (is that a word?).
I started yesterday putting a few christmas holiday things out in the house and outside, nothing major --- I am driving all day and seeing everyone putting them holiday decor up and thinking to myself "I still have my fall/halloween stuff up." - So last night I put all autumn items away in basement and brought out the christmas and snowmen stuff, I'm kinda gettin exciting for the holidays now.

Have a great week!