Thursday, March 30, 2006

Preparation for Girl Scout Camp

Today is preparation for Girl Scout Camp for this weekend, while Taylor is at school I will be getting her stuff ready for her 1st camping trip this year in Junior Scouts. They are heading to FOXFIRE House which is located in Lancaster, PA. , a neighboring girl scout facility who is nice enough to share one of the oldest houses used in the late 1800's early 1900's. They will be living like settlers, that's what I call it and cooking/cleaning like they did back then. Even wearing aprons and skirts. She is sooooo excited! They are planning to have beautiful warm weather (springlike) this weekend so that's a relief off my mind. Minimum packing will be nice this time, only neccesities are to be packed, normally we pack everything for camping - but this weekend only clothes/personal items and sleeping bag/pillow. Yeah! what an easy pack job this year. They will leave Friday evening and return Sunday afternoon, have fun TayLor!!!!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Smokey & the Cat fish

Smokey, our cat has finally figured out we have a fishtank
and he loved pLaying with our catfish we have in our new
85 gallon fishtank! Yes, we have 2 catfish from a local
park/lake that Steve has been raising since they were so
very small brought home in a styrofoam cup and given to
Steve to raise from a friend's son about 3 years ago. They
are growing so big and ugly (my opinion) and I had to capture this photo of Smokey and the Catfish which was so cute!
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Happy BeLated St Patty's Day!

Happy BeLated * St. Patty's Day * from Steve & Wendy- 2006 Posted by Picasa

What a beautiful Morning!

What a beautiful morning, its spring! at least it feels like it. Cannot wait to get outside and enjoy the warm weather. Just seems like we got spoiled with a warm winter and now its taking forever for spring to get here.

Today will be a short entry as the weather is giving me SPRING FEVER! So, I'll continue later tonight and be back shortly..............

Monday, March 27, 2006

Spring is on its Way!

Spring is on its Way!

Yes, spring is on its way, so they say! This week looks like we may hit the 60's and I cannot wait. We have been spoiled with a warm winter to begin with but its almost April and April has to be warm.

I just love warm weather, I'm ready to put the patio furniture and outdoor tents up, plant some flowers and get our famous "horseshoe pits" ready for summer fun! Yes, we are horseshoe outdoor people and backyard entertainers. I cannot wait.

We had a peaceful weekend at home on Saturday night by watching movies: Saw 2, and Flight Planner. Wow! was Saw 2 exciting..........always ending with a chance for a 3rd movie.

Friday we went out with friends, had a few drinks and dinner --- and ended with a late night coming home and relaxing. No kid this weekend as she went to visit her grandma who lives about 45 minutes away, and only sees her maybe 3-4 times a year. She had a good time!

I'm looking forward again to this week, as we are expecting 50's and 60's this week and that's spring weather to me!

Monday, March 20, 2006

My First Blog

Today is my 1st entry for my blog. I found another blog page while surfing the internet and it gave me this idea. Here are some 10 thoughts for my 1st entry:

1. Today is the 1st day of Spring - and its cold as ever, I think the high was 40 degrees with waking up to my daughter stating "mommy, its snowing out." wow!

2. I've been off work now for almost 6 weeks and its hard to believe I'm now a stay at home mom working my eBay store business full-time.

3. I have so much housework to do and don't feel like doing it.

4. I cannot wait for spring, warm weather where are you???

5. My daughter and my cat simply love each other to death.

6. My daughter, Taylor, is constantly bored with nothing to do, is that common for a 10 year old? yes!!!!

7. Steve my fiance simply lives at the bowling alley.

8. I had a great weekend to myself and it was heaven!

9. Scrapbooking was my time consumer today and its still not done.

10. Deal or No Deal? Its on again tonight, cannot wait!