Monday, July 28, 2008

Camping trip 08

Ok, I don't think I ever shared our camping trip pictures with you all. We went camping in April upstate in PA for trout opening weekend. The guys wanted to try this adventure out as we packed and headed to Raystown Lake camping/fishing for a cold bitter windy weekend in April (which I will never ever do again). It rained, and rained -and was windy and more windy -we lost 1 tent, a few canopies and it was just plain down muddy muddy.

The only good thing was the are some pictures to share.
We plan to go camping with this group again in August -but trust me, it won't be cold and rainy this time.

The famous tri-pod cooker above that is so ever popular when we go camping. I belive there is chicken on the grill this time.

Yes, there is chicken this time, it was so good.

A Lost canopy above that Rick and Toby are trying to fix or just save and take down.

A view of the tent site before the storm and before the mud!
We will have better luck in a few weeks going camping, fingers crossed XXX.

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