Sunday, October 07, 2007

What a Weekend

What a weekend........Friday night Taylor had a school dance so we just hung at home while she went there. Really did nothing at all Friday night, watched TV and that was basically it, went to bedtime early.

Saturday morning she went to her dad's. And Steve and I headed out to do some errands, we ordered some tshirts for his business so him and Kyle have some work shirts and some advertisement too. They are to be red shirts, and I cannot wait for them to wear them, but they said it could be 2 weeks.
After that we headed to the campground to visit some friends Rick and MeL, we got there and all the friends that were suppose to be there with them didn't show.........we hung out with them from like 12noon til about 8pm that night after a bit a few other friends showed up to camp with them thru the night but we decided to leave and come home, just wasn't into camping overnight this weeKend, mostly cause its TOTALLY TOO HOT --today reached 90 degrees they say.

We came home Sat. night went for a few drinks and today we ended up picking up my scrapbook supplies from a local consignment saLe I joined in, and then headed off to the REDSKINS FAN CLUB to watch the game. We hung out, did the usual President duty's we had to do since Steve is the president of the club --had a few sodas and some fries and then went to our local hangout Red Rock for some chicken and a soda. No beer, yeah! I was proud of ourself. Normally we have a few beers at the club and all while watching the game, but the last 2 visits we just drank soda.........although you can onLy drink so many sodas untiL you get sick of 'em.
The chicken by the way was broasted chicken and so so good.

We came home and Steve went bowling, I'm hanging out myself and trying to catchup on computer things, emails/orders, etc. Now its hot and I'm sitting here sweating, we turned the AC back on upstairs but we're trying to hang in there down here for a few days --- I'm so tired of the AC's...........where is faLL?

Well, guess that was our weekend, Taylor is staying at mom's tonight (no school tomrrow) so its just us, doing nothing.

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