Here is what Redskins Fans put up with. So we lost, we expected it, but not this bad, guess we deserve it!!!
Monday, October 29, 2007
What REDSKIN FANS put up with................
Here is what Redskin Fans put up with...............see photos below, we woke this morning to see these 2 images in our backyard, needless to say we have EAGLE fans for neighbor. Thank goodness we love our neighbors!!!!! Ha ha.

Here is what Redskins Fans put up with. So we lost, we expected it, but not this bad, guess we deserve it!!!
Here is what Redskins Fans put up with. So we lost, we expected it, but not this bad, guess we deserve it!!!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Chilly Weather
The fall weather set in today reaching only a high of 56 degrees, burrrhhh! One week we complain its too HOT AND now its chilly chilly --- almost want to turn the heat on but not yet. I did have the heat on the car on today, it was a little chilly running errands today so I turned it on to get the chill out of the car. Its suppose to rain the next 2 days, yuck!
Monday, October 22, 2007
I tell you what, babysitting when your not use to it really can be hard work,I watched my neighbors nephew today -he's about 15 mos old and boy! I'm not use to that, into everything I tell you what.
But I learned real quick..........thank goodness for BLUES CLUES & SESAME STREET!!!!
AS the photo shows, instant change -he was totally glued to the TV all afternoon.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Fall is here!
We hope fall is here, been trying to get in the mood for Halloween but just can't......its too warm out, its reaching the 80's today and humid, gosh! when will that word HUMID go away? probably never. We have a few chilly days the past week but nothing major. Its still hot hot hot! the evenings have been nice, I could deal with the 70's all year round but when Halloween hits us in 2 weeks I sure hope there is a chiLL in the air or it just won't seem like Halloween.
I can't believe its been over a week since I blogged, shame on me!!!!
I can't believe its been over a week since I blogged, shame on me!!!!
Sunday, October 07, 2007
What a Weekend
What a weekend........Friday night Taylor had a school dance so we just hung at home while she went there. Really did nothing at all Friday night, watched TV and that was basically it, went to bedtime early.
Saturday morning she went to her dad's. And Steve and I headed out to do some errands, we ordered some tshirts for his business so him and Kyle have some work shirts and some advertisement too. They are to be red shirts, and I cannot wait for them to wear them, but they said it could be 2 weeks.
After that we headed to the campground to visit some friends Rick and MeL, we got there and all the friends that were suppose to be there with them didn't show.........we hung out with them from like 12noon til about 8pm that night after a bit a few other friends showed up to camp with them thru the night but we decided to leave and come home, just wasn't into camping overnight this weeKend, mostly cause its TOTALLY TOO HOT --today reached 90 degrees they say.
We came home Sat. night went for a few drinks and today we ended up picking up my scrapbook supplies from a local consignment saLe I joined in, and then headed off to the REDSKINS FAN CLUB to watch the game. We hung out, did the usual President duty's we had to do since Steve is the president of the club --had a few sodas and some fries and then went to our local hangout Red Rock for some chicken and a soda. No beer, yeah! I was proud of ourself. Normally we have a few beers at the club and all while watching the game, but the last 2 visits we just drank soda.........although you can onLy drink so many sodas untiL you get sick of 'em.
The chicken by the way was broasted chicken and so so good.
We came home and Steve went bowling, I'm hanging out myself and trying to catchup on computer things, emails/orders, etc. Now its hot and I'm sitting here sweating, we turned the AC back on upstairs but we're trying to hang in there down here for a few days --- I'm so tired of the AC's...........where is faLL?
Well, guess that was our weekend, Taylor is staying at mom's tonight (no school tomrrow) so its just us, doing nothing.
Saturday morning she went to her dad's. And Steve and I headed out to do some errands, we ordered some tshirts for his business so him and Kyle have some work shirts and some advertisement too. They are to be red shirts, and I cannot wait for them to wear them, but they said it could be 2 weeks.
After that we headed to the campground to visit some friends Rick and MeL, we got there and all the friends that were suppose to be there with them didn't show.........we hung out with them from like 12noon til about 8pm that night after a bit a few other friends showed up to camp with them thru the night but we decided to leave and come home, just wasn't into camping overnight this weeKend, mostly cause its TOTALLY TOO HOT --today reached 90 degrees they say.
We came home Sat. night went for a few drinks and today we ended up picking up my scrapbook supplies from a local consignment saLe I joined in, and then headed off to the REDSKINS FAN CLUB to watch the game. We hung out, did the usual President duty's we had to do since Steve is the president of the club --had a few sodas and some fries and then went to our local hangout Red Rock for some chicken and a soda. No beer, yeah! I was proud of ourself. Normally we have a few beers at the club and all while watching the game, but the last 2 visits we just drank soda.........although you can onLy drink so many sodas untiL you get sick of 'em.
The chicken by the way was broasted chicken and so so good.
We came home and Steve went bowling, I'm hanging out myself and trying to catchup on computer things, emails/orders, etc. Now its hot and I'm sitting here sweating, we turned the AC back on upstairs but we're trying to hang in there down here for a few days --- I'm so tired of the AC's...........where is faLL?
Well, guess that was our weekend, Taylor is staying at mom's tonight (no school tomrrow) so its just us, doing nothing.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Yard Art Landscapers
Yes, I met my goaL yesterday and actually baked, yikes! I made my PAULA DEEN'S MAC N' CHEESE and it turned out ok, I did think it needed more flavor......maybe some stewed tomatoes with it next time would have been good. Some sweeetned stewed tomatoes, oh yum! I did add more cheese that the recipe called for but only cause I'm a cheezy person......
I need to visit her website more often now that I'm at home and Steve is starting to work longer days. So I can cook now and bake.
Now onto YARD ART LANDSCAPERS, what is it? Its a business Steve is trying to start, you can view his website at and to tell you the truth, the 4.99 a month fee we pay for his site, has already paid off. He has had 2 jobs already from his site. He went to both yesterday and did free estimates and boom! he has 2 jobs lined up now. I think he's very excited. He has a helper working with him now. He's doing mostly bed renovations, flower beds, mulching and small yard work. Nothing major yet.
His one job is in Manheim (Lancaster) now with a small apt.complex and may lead to regular maineteance (spelling is wrong on that one I know) come spring. He's doing an initial cleanup for this customer now.
Mulching is what he's doing most of.......he enjoys it, he is currently doing a job in Loganville and the couple is simply tickled about his work. He has right now 1 current job he's working on and has 4-5 lined up. He'll be busy the next 3 weeks........and I'm glad, cause maybe this will give us some catchup and allow us to live like normal people now. Meaning staying caught up on bills with no problem. That's another goaL of ours.
Need some mulching or small yard work done in York or Lancaster, give us a caLL!!!!
I need to visit her website more often now that I'm at home and Steve is starting to work longer days. So I can cook now and bake.
Now onto YARD ART LANDSCAPERS, what is it? Its a business Steve is trying to start, you can view his website at and to tell you the truth, the 4.99 a month fee we pay for his site, has already paid off. He has had 2 jobs already from his site. He went to both yesterday and did free estimates and boom! he has 2 jobs lined up now. I think he's very excited. He has a helper working with him now. He's doing mostly bed renovations, flower beds, mulching and small yard work. Nothing major yet.
His one job is in Manheim (Lancaster) now with a small apt.complex and may lead to regular maineteance (spelling is wrong on that one I know) come spring. He's doing an initial cleanup for this customer now.
Mulching is what he's doing most of.......he enjoys it, he is currently doing a job in Loganville and the couple is simply tickled about his work. He has right now 1 current job he's working on and has 4-5 lined up. He'll be busy the next 3 weeks........and I'm glad, cause maybe this will give us some catchup and allow us to live like normal people now. Meaning staying caught up on bills with no problem. That's another goaL of ours.
Need some mulching or small yard work done in York or Lancaster, give us a caLL!!!!
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
My GoaL Today is.........
My goaL today is to make some homemade mac 'n cheese, I'm going to steaL the recipe from PAULA DEEN's looks so good and to add SOUR CREAM? yum, cannot wait, I'm off to the store to get some Sour Cream, everything else is on hand............
Wish me Luck......
Wish me Luck......
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
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