Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Bridging Up Ceremony

Ok, here is the photos from Taylors Bridging Ceremony on Monday night. I'm a little behind on blogging (again) but its been busy here, I'm so busy trying to keep my ebay store running and website stuff plus running Taylor every night to something happening every night of the week.

I actually do believe tonight we have nothing to do.......yippee!

The girls were accepting their badges from their troop in the above photo. They all earned lots of badges and awards.

Oh no, the above photo is sideways and I don't feel like changing it, laugh. But the girls formed an archway of hands for those bridging from one level to another, here comes Taylor through this one.

Taylor just bridged from Juniors to Cadettes and her new leader is giving her a congrats' gift. Good Job Taylor, this is an accomplishment to be in scouts now for 6 years, next year will be her 7th year, I'm very proud she is sticking it out.

Taylor and Victoria (above) are reading what they enjoyed about Junior Scouts this year, but I cannot remember what Taylor said, oops! too much excitement I guess.

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