Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Rosie’s ‘View’ won’t be the same without her

I hate to say it but GOODBYE TO ROSIE on the View. I never really watched this show until i found out she was on it........I also watched another show at 11:00 in the mornings, after Meredith V. took Katie's place on the TODAY SHOW I was curious who took hers and I found out it was Rosie I started to watch her daily.

Opinionated or not, I think she was a COOL person and I loved her so much! Bye Rosie, I know I wiLL miss you and I'll be waiting for your new show when you decide to come back.

Now who will take Rosie's place ? Hmmmmmmmmmm? We must wait and see.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend

In case I don't get to blog much this weekend, HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Bridging Up Ceremony

Ok, here is the photos from Taylors Bridging Ceremony on Monday night. I'm a little behind on blogging (again) but its been busy here, I'm so busy trying to keep my ebay store running and website stuff plus running Taylor every night to something happening every night of the week.

I actually do believe tonight we have nothing to do.......yippee!

The girls were accepting their badges from their troop in the above photo. They all earned lots of badges and awards.

Oh no, the above photo is sideways and I don't feel like changing it, laugh. But the girls formed an archway of hands for those bridging from one level to another, here comes Taylor through this one.

Taylor just bridged from Juniors to Cadettes and her new leader is giving her a congrats' gift. Good Job Taylor, this is an accomplishment to be in scouts now for 6 years, next year will be her 7th year, I'm very proud she is sticking it out.

Taylor and Victoria (above) are reading what they enjoyed about Junior Scouts this year, but I cannot remember what Taylor said, oops! too much excitement I guess.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

SPCA Visit

We visited the SPCA yesterday in regards to Taylor's Girl Scout Junior Bronze Award. She made dog/cat biscuit treats as a donation and we delivered them and they gave her a tour of the new facility recently built, its brand new. She has to complete 15 hrs of service to earn this award and earn a few patches along with it, its the highest award you can earn as a Junior GS. Since this is her 3rd year and she'll be bridging to Cadettes (in fact her ceremony for that is tomorrow) she has til end of May to complete this award project. She really had fun, and here are some photos to share of our visit:

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Back to Normal Life

Hopefully today everything is back to normal life. Being sick the past few days really put me behind on everything. I was sick --really really sick --- on Friday and then Saturday came along where it was the day after nasty feeling of just laying around trying to catch up on eating and wanting to feel better.......and Sunday came along and I thought I was fine. We went flower shopping, planted a few flowers in the flower beds, trimmed the bushes out front and then went for dinner to Hoss's just the 3 of us..........

I woke up Monday morning feeling the same thing all over again and I'm still hurting a little bit and just can't beat this virus.............. Yesterday I was feeling a little better but still having symptoms and afraid to eat anything.

Today I'm up early, its 7:30 and I'm already up and about, that's early for me.......I'm trying to catch up on lost time from being sick although I'm still not 100% feeling better.

I'm hoping for a better more productive day today and although we're expecting a rainy afternoon, I need a day inside to catchup.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

TotaLLY Sick

I've been totaLLy sick the past day and today still. I guess I caught the stomach bug/virus somehow. Was fine yesterday until I laid down for about 45 min. nap and woke up with things happening to me that I didn't expect......how gross huh? I had things coming out all ends.....laugh. Sorry to be so graphic. But true.

I'm feeling a little better today but still not good enough to get out. I had so much planned for today but I think I'm going to stay in, rest some more so on Mother's Day tomorrow we can get out and at least do something, its suppose to be a gorgeous day.

Tonight I'll be just laying around watching some TV.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

7 Wierd Things about Me

I was tagged to list "7 Weird Things About Me".
Each player starts with 7 random weird facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged write their 7 things on their blog and post these rules. It also requests that I tag an additional 7 people ... but I think most folks that visit my blog have already been tagged ... so, if you would like to play, please do!

Here goes ...

1. I Love to put ketchup on most anything (some people think its totally gross but it must be PA thing) eggs, mac n' cheese, chicken pot pie, sausage

2. I own about 40 pair of underwear, a personal thing but true........I just cannot stand to run out of clean underwear I guess.

3. I don't own 1 white bra, another personal thing --- all my bra's are colored and guess I just love to match my colors with my shirts.

4. I get along so well with my daughter's father, although we are no longer together --- he is truly a good person. Most people who split up totally argue and hate one another, but Rob is a great dad to Taylor, wish he would come see her more or call more often but I must say I do not hate him like most divorcee's or couples split up.

5. I truly must admit I have a sandal fetish.........I own about 20+ pair of sandals and just love them, I could go sandal shopping every weekend and buy a new pair. They are just so stylish now adays and I must have a color for everything.

6. I Love the TV show Roseanne, I could sit down (which I do) everyday and watch her re-run shows from the 80's. Not sure whether its because her show is about normal everyday life, like mine - or because she just tells you how it is - that I love her so much! She is funny and up front. Just like me, I can tell you how it is and I don't mind......

7. And last, are you ready for this one? I love to eat chocolate and cheese together. (and a nice cold beer along with that would go down so smooth) yes! how gross huh? but that is something wierd about me, I just love those 2-3 things together as most would totally barf on that one.

So, there you have it, 7 things about myself that are wierd or unknown.........how fun and share your 7 wierd things with someone by blogging or emailing.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Things that Make me Happy

Okay, I thought I'd start the week off by sharing some things that make me happy, of course, my daughter and family are the first things but listing a picture of them all would be hard to do since I don't have pics of them all. FAMILY COMES FIRST --the rest come in no particular order:
I Love the Beach!

Brownies with lots of fudge in them or just warm out of the oven! Yum, I think I"m making some today!

A nice warm sunny day, spring is the best, about 75 degrees will do.

I Love to Scrapbook. Nothing like spending a day just scrapbooking!

French Fries, ok its my weakness, I just love french fries!

I'm never up this early, but this sunrise could make anyone happy, or sunset, not sure which.

A cold bottle of Miller Lite, oh yes!

And a nice swimming pooL, this pool looks refreshing.......cannot wait for summer!

I will post some more happy thoughts tomorrow......check back!

Sunday, May 06, 2007


Well, the weekend is over, and now its back to another week. I cannot say off to work tomorrow, because I work all weekend long, every day.

The weather was nice this weekend, in the 60's and 70's and the next 3 days are suppose to maybe hit 80. wow! what a good start of the week.

We didn't do much, Taylor went to her dad's this weekend, and we just hung out. I did get to buy some flowers for the flowerbeds this weekend, but probably won't put them in til tomorrow or tomorrow night........I'm so ready to get flowers out, they make it look like summertime.

I've been so busy on eBay the past week........and it makes the days go fast. I'm trying to expand my website with a new edition of supplies from a friend online who sells girl scouting stationary/etc. I'm hoping I can do some business for her!

http://www.thegspatch.com Check it out under GIRL SCOUTS GIFTS & SUCH

Well, I must get to wal-mart tonight, and its 9:00, but the only time I can get a car to run errands, i need to buy some tape to process orders tomorrow or I'll never get supplies. I thought I had everything from my errand trip yesterday but of course, not!

So, off to Wal-Mart I go on a late night trip!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

NSD is Today!

NSD is Today! what does that mean? NATIONAL SCRAPBOOK DAY. Is always the 1st Saturday in May --today being May 5th. What a fun day! to scrapbook and enjoy the craft/hobby itself. Plus, to run sales........ www.thegspatch.com We have 20% off this weekend using promo code NSD20 when checking out. We have lots of fun products to buy.

I'm just hanging out today catching up on eBay and getting some listings up. The weather is great, in the low 70's and mostly sunny all day. The next 5 days look great. Spring is definitely here. I'm so anxious next weekend to get some flowers for the flower beds and soon get our canopy/gazebo tent back and put a new one up soon. I miss the look in the yard so much!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Back again

wow! its been a week since I've blogged, how dreadful, laughing.........

Guess I've been busy, I'm back on eBay keeping busy and now trying to keep up to date with my orders on my website, busy busy busy!

PLus, Spring is here.......the weather has been beautiful, in the 70's the past few days and no rain in the 5 day forecast, yippee! the past 3 days have been just sunny and great. Hate to stay inside but work has to be done. Didn't do a whole lot the past week, just hung out over the weekend, Taylor went to my mom & dad's since they were away all last week, its been 2 weekends she's been there, and she acts like that is forbidden. So, she spent Thursday through Sunday with them......gave me a little break and some freedom to get some stuff done with my business/website. Although it does get lonely here w/out her, Steve works all day and has been doing alot on weekends........he has to work this Saturday too, so it'll be like 6 days home alone.
Not sure if Taylor will be around this weekend or not..........

Well, just wanted to touch base since its been a week, and the weather is beautiful so hoping to get out tonight and enjoy it.