Opinionated or not, I think she was a COOL person and I loved her so much! Bye Rosie, I know I wiLL miss you and I'll be waiting for your new show when you decide to come back.
Now who will take Rosie's place ? Hmmmmmmmmmm? We must wait and see.

Everyday Life from a Creative Mom!
Oh no, the above photo is sideways and I don't feel like changing it, laugh. But the girls formed an archway of hands for those bridging from one level to another, here comes Taylor through this one.
Taylor just bridged from Juniors to Cadettes and her new leader is giving her a congrats' gift. Good Job Taylor, this is an accomplishment to be in scouts now for 6 years, next year will be her 7th year, I'm very proud she is sticking it out.
Taylor and Victoria (above) are reading what they enjoyed about Junior Scouts this year, but I cannot remember what Taylor said, oops! too much excitement I guess.
Brownies with lots of fudge in them or just warm out of the oven! Yum, I think I"m making some today!
French Fries, ok its my weakness, I just love french fries!
I will post some more happy thoughts tomorrow......check back!