Friday, April 06, 2007

Autism Awareness Month -April

This month is Autism Awareness month. I was just reminded of this when watching and still am watching the VIEW today. They are basing today's show entirely on Autism.

This month amongst every month of the year is important to those who struggle with a family member with autism. I know all about autism only because my bestest friend's little boy, Travis, who is now turning 11 this year was diagnosed at about age 2, I could be wrong on that but I know they caught it early. Travis has grown so much and is such a great little boy. He at once wouldn't even recognize who you are, and now can talk and really communicate with everyone. Nobody really knows what autism is all about until you know someone going through this............and I give a big SHOUT OUT to my girlfriend and her husband (and family members too) grandparents, for sticking by Travis and be supportive. It takes a strong mom & dad to believe in their child. I've seen the struggles and I know I would be able to do it as a mother too but its very very hard.

Austim Awareness Month - ApriL.

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