Here is a great new website that my cousin's wife is just starting her photography business venture. Her website is very very nice.........check it out and spread the word if your in the Tampa Florida area........she is a great photographer! as you can see here: Rebekah HILT Photography
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Weekend update
Well, its been since the weekend since I've blogged, not much going on. The weekend was beautiful as far as temp's, in the 80's.......I'm feeLing some sunburn today and probably will all week long. It feels like SPRING! yeehaw!
Sunday was my birthday, and nothing was really done.........I just sat around outside enjoyed the 80 degree temp's and got a little sun. The rain is on its way tomorrow for a day or 2, but the cold temp's hopefully are gone.
We are trying to get ready for summer months, we need to get a new gazebo canopy tent for out back, hoping this weekend......but they want 194.00 for them, and not sure if that's in our budget this week.
Taylor was home from schooL today sick. Has the 24 hr bug I she's been miserable all night and day. She's starting to feel a little better now. She wants to eat, so that's good. But she wants to eat the wrong things, so we're taking it easy through the night.
We're just hanging out here doing nothing tonight, Steve went bowling, his last night at the bowling alley for the winter leagues. He'll have off a few weeks now. And then just playing 1 league during the summer, not 3 like now. Thank goodness. Gets expensive playing 3 leagues all at one time. That's 3 nights a week he's gone.
Well, better get kicking on some orders, I took a kitty cat nap and now I'm raring to go.......have a great week!
Sunday was my birthday, and nothing was really done.........I just sat around outside enjoyed the 80 degree temp's and got a little sun. The rain is on its way tomorrow for a day or 2, but the cold temp's hopefully are gone.
We are trying to get ready for summer months, we need to get a new gazebo canopy tent for out back, hoping this weekend......but they want 194.00 for them, and not sure if that's in our budget this week.
Taylor was home from schooL today sick. Has the 24 hr bug I she's been miserable all night and day. She's starting to feel a little better now. She wants to eat, so that's good. But she wants to eat the wrong things, so we're taking it easy through the night.
We're just hanging out here doing nothing tonight, Steve went bowling, his last night at the bowling alley for the winter leagues. He'll have off a few weeks now. And then just playing 1 league during the summer, not 3 like now. Thank goodness. Gets expensive playing 3 leagues all at one time. That's 3 nights a week he's gone.
Well, better get kicking on some orders, I took a kitty cat nap and now I'm raring to go.......have a great week!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
the 70's
Today and the next 3 days we are having 70's temps...........yeehaw!
That's all I have to say for today! Can't you tell I'm happy????
That's all I have to say for today! Can't you tell I'm happy????
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Not Much Going On
Well, not sure what to call today, just an ordinary day I guess. Today wasn't nothing special, Steve went to work all day and I just stayed home working on orders, I have sooo sooo sooo much to do its unreal. Trying to catchup on orders for Girl Scout troops for end of year scrapbooking meetings. I'm stressing so bad right now. but I get so much more done when Steve is not home, not sure why but I do. He doesn't distract me or anything, he keeps to himself all day but knowing he's home I guess puts me in a non-working mood.
So, I did get like 3 orders done today, and doesn't seem like much but doing the paper bag albums, those take me about 1 hour or 2.........and I had a paper bag album to do today and many many more to do tomorrow and everyday I should say.
Well, its late, I'm tired and heading to bed early, have a great day!
So, I did get like 3 orders done today, and doesn't seem like much but doing the paper bag albums, those take me about 1 hour or 2.........and I had a paper bag album to do today and many many more to do tomorrow and everyday I should say.
Well, its late, I'm tired and heading to bed early, have a great day!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Nor'Easter hits us hard!
Well, I wanted to post some photos from the weekend, instead I had to share our Nor'Easter pics which destroyed our backyard entertainment for the summer time. Our canopy tent out back was flipped and destroyed last night from high winds. It hit us with hard rain and winds that were unreal in speed.
Our canopy tent has been anchored in our yard for 2 years now, even through winter months and never had this problem...........what a disappointment this morning waking to this view:
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Well the weekend is over and I have some photos to share which I will have more time in the morning to post them. WE started to lay our patio pavers down, we went to a Luau Party, and Taylor & Steve went trout fishing, she caught her 1st trout.
We are getting pounded with lots of rain since last night and its so wet and damp out and it sure doesn't feel like spring. I think its to get windy tomorrow and rain more. What a yucky day!
We are getting pounded with lots of rain since last night and its so wet and damp out and it sure doesn't feel like spring. I think its to get windy tomorrow and rain more. What a yucky day!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Where is Spring?
Where is Spring? gosh, this is is now April 14th and still no springlike weather. I'm so tired of this chilly weather and now a NorEaster coming through tomorrow? right.......although we're to get mostly rain. I'm not real happy about the weather.
We just got some pavers to put a patio down underneath our canopy for the summer, and its so cold out to do it.........we might get out there anyways today (Low 50's) and get 'em laid down before all this rain hits us........not sure if laying them would be smart or not, we'll discuss that this afternoon when it warms up a little bit, warm up? when? yeah right.
Well, I cannot believe its been aLmost a week since my last blog. Been busy this week running sales on my site and processing orders. Girl Scouts is soon ending (most end the end of May) and everyone is ordering like crazy, last minute projects for the scouts I guess.
I have a busy day today, so it'll be a quick BLOG today, have a great weekend!
We just got some pavers to put a patio down underneath our canopy for the summer, and its so cold out to do it.........we might get out there anyways today (Low 50's) and get 'em laid down before all this rain hits us........not sure if laying them would be smart or not, we'll discuss that this afternoon when it warms up a little bit, warm up? when? yeah right.
Well, I cannot believe its been aLmost a week since my last blog. Been busy this week running sales on my site and processing orders. Girl Scouts is soon ending (most end the end of May) and everyone is ordering like crazy, last minute projects for the scouts I guess.
I have a busy day today, so it'll be a quick BLOG today, have a great weekend!
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter everyone! It was a nice Easter here with our family and friends. We went to my mom & dad's today for a nice Easter dinner: the entire works -- Ham, sweet potatoes, rolls, green bean casserole, Corn, Brocolli salad, and some goodies like pies, cake, fruit salad and more! My cheesy potatoe recipe went the best, it was gone before going back for 2nd's.....which I hate cause it so darn good!
We had our annual easter egg hunt in 40 degree weather, burrh! the kids are now 14 and 11 and we still do it each year with about 60 plastic eggs and goodies hidden inside......anything from candy (mostly candy) to lottery tickets, to money and gifts this year....We found all but 1 egg, 59 --- 1 egg is still missing in their yard and someday soon it'll be found. Where could that little eggie be?
We spent all day sitting around gossiping and laughing. And enjoying our photos out on which was so fun.........everyone had a good laugh on that! Try it sometime
So, the easter day is over and now its back to school and back to work. I'm even more behind now with being off all day today and away from the computer but felt good.
Where is the spring weather?
We had our annual easter egg hunt in 40 degree weather, burrh! the kids are now 14 and 11 and we still do it each year with about 60 plastic eggs and goodies hidden inside......anything from candy (mostly candy) to lottery tickets, to money and gifts this year....We found all but 1 egg, 59 --- 1 egg is still missing in their yard and someday soon it'll be found. Where could that little eggie be?
We spent all day sitting around gossiping and laughing. And enjoying our photos out on which was so fun.........everyone had a good laugh on that! Try it sometime
So, the easter day is over and now its back to school and back to work. I'm even more behind now with being off all day today and away from the computer but felt good.
Where is the spring weather?
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Its Saturday and its CoLd
Its Saturday and its CoLd.........last year at this time if you look at my blog entry from this week last year, it was springlike temp's. I even had some hanging basket flowers outside on the patio table. Not this year. Its about 40 degrees and expecting low temp's overnight of 20 degrees. Burrh! No warm easter tomorrow.
Not sure what's going on today, I might just hang out at home and try to get some orders together and get going back on eBay.......I need to get some money coming in regularly again. Taking a break from eBay is killing my pocketbook and bill spending money.
Just got back from the grocery store, post office and bank and its only 11:00a.m. Was up early and ambitious I guess. Or maybe not. The grocery store was busy but checkout time was pretty quick, I was surprised.
Well, everyone have a NICE EASTER, not sure if I'll be able to blog tomorrow or not. Will be spending all day at mom & dad's with family -- and eating lots of HAM! YUM!
Not sure what's going on today, I might just hang out at home and try to get some orders together and get going back on eBay.......I need to get some money coming in regularly again. Taking a break from eBay is killing my pocketbook and bill spending money.
Just got back from the grocery store, post office and bank and its only 11:00a.m. Was up early and ambitious I guess. Or maybe not. The grocery store was busy but checkout time was pretty quick, I was surprised.
Well, everyone have a NICE EASTER, not sure if I'll be able to blog tomorrow or not. Will be spending all day at mom & dad's with family -- and eating lots of HAM! YUM!
Friday, April 06, 2007
Autism Awareness Month -April

This month amongst every month of the year is important to those who struggle with a family member with autism. I know all about autism only because my bestest friend's little boy, Travis, who is now turning 11 this year was diagnosed at about age 2, I could be wrong on that but I know they caught it early. Travis has grown so much and is such a great little boy. He at once wouldn't even recognize who you are, and now can talk and really communicate with everyone. Nobody really knows what autism is all about until you know someone going through this............and I give a big SHOUT OUT to my girlfriend and her husband (and family members too) grandparents, for sticking by Travis and be supportive. It takes a strong mom & dad to believe in their child. I've seen the struggles and I know I would be able to do it as a mother too but its very very hard.
Austim Awareness Month - ApriL.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Happy Birthday
I'm giving a BIG HUGE SHOUT OUT to my cousin from New Orleans, LA..........HAPPY BIRTHDAY, we're what 29 again? I'm sure.
Hope your trip in New York is going great.......I'll be watching for you all tomorrow morning on the TODAY SHOW! Have a great day!
Hope your trip in New York is going great.......I'll be watching for you all tomorrow morning on the TODAY SHOW! Have a great day!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
National Scrapbooking Month Great DeaL
The Month of May is National Scrapbooking Month, in celebration I'm offering a great deal on this Scrapbooking Tote on my can purchase it for $4.99 -it holds all kinds of great gadgets and scrapbooking tooLs. Great for kids! and a great price. Check it out: available in 3 colors: Navy, Green and Purple. While supplies last.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007
My Heritage
What a great site I found today, called MY HERITAGE.COM, you can upload your photo and they will do a facial recognition search for celebrities who look like you.
Above is Taylor's look alikes. Its so funny to see DREW BARRYMORE on there cause I have been told she looked like her when she was little.
Try it out, its fun!
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Its Sunday
Its Sunday, the weekend is over as its about 9:40p.m. now and soon ready to head to bed. Nothing much happened this weekend: Steve went fishing all weekend (photos to come), I spent the weekend alone (yeah) and Taylor was at my mom & dad's all weekend.
Taylor went to a dance/fun night Friday night at a local community center which she loves. Its for 6th,7th and 8th graders. They have a DJ and fun activities from 7-10p.m.
I just hung out here at home catching up on things from the website and also went out alone this weekend to hang out and have a few drinks.
Today Steve came home, and we just hung here at home all day doing nothing. Re-cooping from the weekend.
I have so much to do this week. Have a great night!
Taylor went to a dance/fun night Friday night at a local community center which she loves. Its for 6th,7th and 8th graders. They have a DJ and fun activities from 7-10p.m.
I just hung out here at home catching up on things from the website and also went out alone this weekend to hang out and have a few drinks.
Today Steve came home, and we just hung here at home all day doing nothing. Re-cooping from the weekend.
I have so much to do this week. Have a great night!
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