Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Thawing Out

We are actually thawing out today, it hit 49 degrees they said, maybe warmer. I cannot believe it, I can see my car below the tires now from the snowstorm a week ago. Everything is still ice and I finally was able to clear a little bit of our sidewalk out front to walk to our steps. We still have snow up to our backporch (which is probably about 6" +) and ice everywhere. Its hard to believe when you walk on the snow you still don't sink in like normal. But everything is melting now.....and hopefully flooding won't be an issue.

Tonight its suppose to get cold again and tomorrow in the 30's but I can deal with the high 30's for a few days and warmer weather again towards the weekend. I just want 60 degree weather and I'm happy. I want to get my car running again but until we have a major melting spell, my car isn't going anywhere, its still buried with snow piles from the plow trucks. Really stinks.

Compared to our weather lately, it feels like a light spring today. 49 degrees + is spring compared to what we have had: temp's in the teens...............burrh!

We are getting ready to head to the craft store for some items for a schooL project and to pick some items up at the local scrapbook store so I can do some MAJOR ORDER PACKING tonight, I'm so excited to get these orders mailed.......I'm finally catching up.

Have a great day!

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