Wednesday, February 28, 2007
The med's didn't agree with me this morning as I took them (per pharmacist instructions) on an empty stomach and everything came up, sorry for the details. After 2 hours I felt fine........and now I'm taking them WITH FOOD and I feel so much better. I'm hoping to have this out of me by the weekend. I'm so tired and worn out from this cold, its been since mid-January now.
Guess waiting was not the smart thing........the doctor bill wasn't that expensive, and the med's weren't that expensive either. Always happens that way, we think a car bill or doctor bill is going to cost us a fortune and it doesn't. Oh well....we learn from our mistakes.
The weather is suppose to warm up tomorrow and Friday with rain. And then chilly again for the weekend. Hopefully this rain will melt the ice/snow away, whatever is left behind. My car is half dug out now thanks to the garage across the street, someone came in and plowed the back and half my side open. Now we just need the rain to melt the rest away so I can get my car back or at least find out if it'll run again.
Well, its late, and I'm tired. I need all day tomorrow to work on ebay and website orders, so I need a good nights rest. Plus DEAL OR NO DEAL is on.........cannot miss my man Howie! Love that bald head. :-)
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Waiting for more Snow & Ice
I am just so ready for SPRING!!!!!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Thawing Out
Tonight its suppose to get cold again and tomorrow in the 30's but I can deal with the high 30's for a few days and warmer weather again towards the weekend. I just want 60 degree weather and I'm happy. I want to get my car running again but until we have a major melting spell, my car isn't going anywhere, its still buried with snow piles from the plow trucks. Really stinks.
Compared to our weather lately, it feels like a light spring today. 49 degrees + is spring compared to what we have had: temp's in the teens...............burrh!
We are getting ready to head to the craft store for some items for a schooL project and to pick some items up at the local scrapbook store so I can do some MAJOR ORDER PACKING tonight, I'm so excited to get these orders mailed.......I'm finally catching up.
Have a great day!
Monday, February 19, 2007
FeeLing Crappy
I've been sick since about January 17th, and it stinks...........I'm about ready to bare down and go to the doctors. Last week I was feeling a little better, and feeling like I was getting rid of this darn chest cold (although my voice was still harsh) and now its back. I'm flemmy again and coughing more than ever. I'm still taking my medicine and cough med's but it just won't leave me.
ALot of people I taLk too, said its hanging around and hard to get rid of now. Some people they know have it for 3-4 weeks too........weLL, its going on 4 weeks alright, maybe 5.
I'm having backaches now, which I never ever had. I haven't had back pain since I was pregnant with TayLor, and now my lower back on my right side has been acheing and hurting all day. Hopefully I just slept on it wrong last night.
Well, I'm heading to bed early tonight......Steve is helping out working 3rd shift hours tonight with friends of ours, (cleaning business) so he won't be here tonight, maybe I'll sleep better alone.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Too CoLd for Snow Tubing
some of the other kids stayed longer, it was a 10.00 charge for all night, which is a great deal! But 1 hour was our limit.
I hear next week they are calling for 50 degree weather by Friday, oh gosh! I cannot wait. That will feel like spring for us!
Avalanche Express is only about 5-10 mins from our house, so its not far but it is just do darn cold out it was freezing. Here are some photos to share:

Thursday, February 15, 2007
What not to Do
Our wonderful plow trucks have plowed me in and our nice neighbors put their snow piles in front and in back of my car. Might as well wait now and the worse part is .......THIS IS ALL ICE on top of the snow and its not easy to get it cleared out.
The mail hasn't run now for 2 days, and I'm hoping it runs today but fingers crossed XXXX.
There's no where for anyone to park on the front streets and alot of things are put on hold.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Snow and Ice Storm
Here in Pennsylvania we'd rather have 12" of snow than 2" of ice, like we got. Snow we can handle, but ice? nobody can.......your inside for the entire day. It was very hard to shovel, dig out and everything is just solid ice. You walk on the 6" + of snow we got and you don't even sink down.
My car (red one) is buried sitting across the street at the garage, we tried to get it running yesterday to move it out back where we normally park but the battery was simply dead and we had no time to get a new one. So, my car got buried last night and probably will get buried more and more as the snowplow trucks keep going pass all day long.
Steve and a neighbor guy were trying to help this car that got stuck turning into an alley way (which still isn't plowed open as I write this blog), he finally got through the snow/ice after several pushes and pulls.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Super Bowl Party Pics
Bill & Steve clowing around as Redskin Fans do when they aren't in the Super Bowl. :-)
The new TV arrangement, we stepped up this year to a bigger TV for the game and to enjoy throughout the year.

Monday, February 12, 2007
He passed away about 10 years ago, on Jan.31st due to a snowmobile accident and I miss him dearly. Even though we were just friends at the time, it was a horrible lost to me mostly cause I spent 7 years of my life with him from 10th grade through 2 years into college before we split up. At one time we even talked marriage.
Something funny to post about him is the fact that every year on his birthday he thought he was speciaL, cause he was born on Abraham Lincoln's birthday. He always said he was the man on this day and he was blessed to celebrate Abe's birthday with him. What a nut. He was so proud and truly thought this day was dedicated to him and not Abe when they mentioned Feb.12th every year.
He was my memories in high schooL. There is nothing more precious than memories in schooL and I guess that is what hurts the most knowing he is no longer here and those memories are so strong. So, I just wanted to mention his birthday today cause I'm sure his family & friends are thinking of this special day today! Miss you Bret!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Being Creative
Have a great week!
Friday, February 09, 2007
New Camera
I want to share the SUPER BOWL PARTY pics we took, so check back later.
And stay warm..........
Monday, February 05, 2007
Frigid CoLd
It was so cold last night, the wind was horrifying and I just cannot believe its this coLd out.
I will post some Super BowL pictures later today or tomorrow. We had a good time, I think the cold weather kept alot of guests at home this year, but that's ok, we had about 12 guests arrive and we had a blast.
Keep warm!
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Da Bears or Da CoLts
We are preparing our party right now, and I'm about ready to close the computer up til MondaY.
We have food coming, HOT WINGS, 6 FOOT SUB, TURKEY CHILI, NACHOS/CHEESE, BEER AND SO MUCH MORE! It's going to be a fun party, plan to take some pictures as we bought a new digital camera on Friday, and cannot wait to try it out today.
We have door prizes, mardi gras beads for your team whichever your prefer (orange or blue), and lots of gambling games to attend for the evening.
Good luck Bears and Colts...............PEYTON MANNING is the man!
Friday, February 02, 2007
First Real Snow
We normally go out on Friday nights when Taylor goes away for the weekend, she's at her dad's this weekend. But tonight its an early night. I'm still feeling half sick and coughy. My chest is still congested and hurting from coughing alot. We are going to try to get a little bit tomorrow night before our big day on Sunday - SUPER BOWL SUNDAY!
I'm about ready to head to bed so have a great weekend!
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Just for Fun
I'm Wendy and I will use "W" ...
Here's my list. (wow! Wendy, that's a hard letter, wish me luck)
1. Famous athlete: Manning, Peyton (the cutest guy in NFL, what a way to start)
2. Four letter word: Whiz
3. Street name: Water St.
4. Color: White
5. Gift: White Roses
6. Vehicle: Wagon (it has wheels)
7. Tropical Location: Wakakee (spelling?)
8. College Major: Writer
9. Dairy Product: White Cheese (that counts, come on you try it)
10. Something in a Souvenir Shop: Water Bottle (tourist need water to travel right?)
11. Boy Name: Walter
12. Girl Name: Whitney
13. Movie Title: Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
14. Alcohol: Wine
15. Occupation: Waitress
16. Flower: White Rose
17. Celebrity: Whitney Houston
18. Magazine: Wow ( I don't know this one) I'm stuck.......??????
19. US City: Washington DC
20. Sports Team: WASHINGTON REDKSINS (who else????) that was easy!!!!
21. Something Found in a Kitchen: Whisk
22. Reason for being late: Wash needed done ?!?
23. Something you throw away: Wilted flowers
24. Things you shout: Wait for me!!!!
25. Cartoon Character: Winnie the Pooh
OK, your turn! and let me know when you post yours so I can have as much fun reading your fun List!