Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Its been plain craziness the past 2 days, who ever thought a paper bag would cause so much craziness. What do I mean?

I love to scrapbook, and sell alot of stuff on eBay and my website. There's this wild crazy idea called a PAPER BAG ALBUM for Scrapbooking. You simply take a paper bag fold it in half, I usually take 3 paper bags fold them in half (makes 10 pages) and put holes like a notebook, tie ribbons in the holds to hold it shut and make a small mini scrapbook. The paper bag gives it a unique look and whoever thought a paper bag (which costs practically nothing) would bring such a craze to the scrapbooking world.

I have been bombarded with orders. I have asked to do 12 kits for a Junior GS troop, and another troop asked me to complete 6 albums for their girls, plus I had an additional 6-8 album orders on eBay, craziness!

They are so time consuming, and well worth it, they are so cute. The ribbons and embellishments just make them adorable.
So, I've been busy this week doing paper bag albums, and trying to keep up with eBay orders.

What fun!

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