There's only what 26 or 27 days til Christmas? wow! that's quicker than you think...........I guess I better soon get my Christmas stuff out and figure out what I'm going to decorate with this year, I finally put my Halloween & Thanksgiving Fall decorations away yesterday morning and now the fun part, getting the Christmas boxes out. And then finding a tree..........
So much to do and little time, eBay is keeping me busy enough during the day, and I want to get my stuff out while the weather is still a little warm. Its like fall weather lately in the 60's, which is very unusual for this time of year.
Hope everyone is already or almost already for christmas.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
Just another Blog Day
I'm so late on blogging, yikes. I haven't bLogged all weekend, guess craziness with trying to do work and also have some holiday weekend time. I guess running an online business on eBay you just cannot take a day off.
I was up til 1:30a.m. last night trying to get things straight on eBay, a new venture on eBay for me and some money coming in kept me busy til late. I just got up and its 10:00.
I have so much to do today and Steve just may be helping out, laundry/dishes alot of housework cause I' d Like to get ready for xmas and get all the halloween/thanksgiving/fall decoration stuff taken down today and put away.
The weather is calling to be 62 degrees today, very unusual for Pennsylvania this time of year. Guess its hard to enjoy it when there's nothing to do outside this time of year. And being inside to work all day (like most do) it'll just be another day to me.
We don't put alot of decorations outside for xmas, we do more so of that in the fall/halloween time, but inside I like to look comfy and put alot of decorations out and make it look like xmas is coming..........we're a little late getting things out I hear as alot of people this weekend told us they are already for xmas. whoa! not me.
Well, I had a late start today so I must get moving.
I was up til 1:30a.m. last night trying to get things straight on eBay, a new venture on eBay for me and some money coming in kept me busy til late. I just got up and its 10:00.
I have so much to do today and Steve just may be helping out, laundry/dishes alot of housework cause I' d Like to get ready for xmas and get all the halloween/thanksgiving/fall decoration stuff taken down today and put away.
The weather is calling to be 62 degrees today, very unusual for Pennsylvania this time of year. Guess its hard to enjoy it when there's nothing to do outside this time of year. And being inside to work all day (like most do) it'll just be another day to me.
We don't put alot of decorations outside for xmas, we do more so of that in the fall/halloween time, but inside I like to look comfy and put alot of decorations out and make it look like xmas is coming..........we're a little late getting things out I hear as alot of people this weekend told us they are already for xmas. whoa! not me.
Well, I had a late start today so I must get moving.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
ALone Time
Steve went away for Thanksgiving Holiday to see his mom in Virginia, I stayed home, simply just too much to risk leaving for 4 days and being more behind in work when I get back so I stayed home and enjoyed the holiday with my family & friends. Running a business on line with eBay is a 24 hour a day job, 7 days a week and right now we just cannot afford to be away from the business with the holidays coming up.
Having some alone time yesterday afternoon and today feels great, I cannot wait to get started on some orders today and be caught up by tomorrow.
Steve is going to a Redskins football game tomorrow (Sunday) too so I'll have alone time all day tomorrow too. I plan to take advantage of tomorrow and work on orders to catchup. My goal is to have everyone caught up for the holidays. Boy, that's a big goal so I better get started.
Happy Thanksgiving Holiday everyone, hope it was nice.
Having some alone time yesterday afternoon and today feels great, I cannot wait to get started on some orders today and be caught up by tomorrow.
Steve is going to a Redskins football game tomorrow (Sunday) too so I'll have alone time all day tomorrow too. I plan to take advantage of tomorrow and work on orders to catchup. My goal is to have everyone caught up for the holidays. Boy, that's a big goal so I better get started.
Happy Thanksgiving Holiday everyone, hope it was nice.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Happy Turkey DaY!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!!!
Make sure to watch the Macy's Day parade, which is always on my TV on Thanksgiving is a pic of SCOOBY DOO.
Its been crazy this week and I haven't had time to blog, so this will be a short blog as well. I'm heading to my parents house for Thanksgiving day lunch/dinner and I'm waiting for my creations to bake in the oven, so I had a few moments to check things online.
Hope your Turkey Day is filled with lots of goodies and delicious foods!
Make sure to watch the Macy's Day parade, which is always on my TV on Thanksgiving is a pic of SCOOBY DOO.
Its been crazy this week and I haven't had time to blog, so this will be a short blog as well. I'm heading to my parents house for Thanksgiving day lunch/dinner and I'm waiting for my creations to bake in the oven, so I had a few moments to check things online.
Hope your Turkey Day is filled with lots of goodies and delicious foods!

Friday, November 17, 2006
After the Storm
We had such a strange thing happen after the storm effect the other day, yesterday was an ugly dreary day, it rained all day long, thundered and lightening too..........after the storm passed by about 4:00 yesterday afternoon, the sky got real yellow and rainbows everywhere, it was actually a double rainbow but the camera only shows are some photos to share:

Word CLoud
Blog Cloud, what is it? here is something fun, go to and all you do is enter your web blog web address and your web blog name and it creates this fun BLOG CLOUD about you. All kinds of words about your blog show up, I thought it was fun reading the words. Try it, and see what your blog is all about.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
a Little HeLLo
This is just a little HELLO to my favorite person in the world...........who could that be??
That was a big hello.
That was a big hello.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Its been plain craziness the past 2 days, who ever thought a paper bag would cause so much craziness. What do I mean?
I love to scrapbook, and sell alot of stuff on eBay and my website. There's this wild crazy idea called a PAPER BAG ALBUM for Scrapbooking. You simply take a paper bag fold it in half, I usually take 3 paper bags fold them in half (makes 10 pages) and put holes like a notebook, tie ribbons in the holds to hold it shut and make a small mini scrapbook. The paper bag gives it a unique look and whoever thought a paper bag (which costs practically nothing) would bring such a craze to the scrapbooking world.
I have been bombarded with orders. I have asked to do 12 kits for a Junior GS troop, and another troop asked me to complete 6 albums for their girls, plus I had an additional 6-8 album orders on eBay, craziness!
They are so time consuming, and well worth it, they are so cute. The ribbons and embellishments just make them adorable.
So, I've been busy this week doing paper bag albums, and trying to keep up with eBay orders.
What fun!
I love to scrapbook, and sell alot of stuff on eBay and my website. There's this wild crazy idea called a PAPER BAG ALBUM for Scrapbooking. You simply take a paper bag fold it in half, I usually take 3 paper bags fold them in half (makes 10 pages) and put holes like a notebook, tie ribbons in the holds to hold it shut and make a small mini scrapbook. The paper bag gives it a unique look and whoever thought a paper bag (which costs practically nothing) would bring such a craze to the scrapbooking world.
I have been bombarded with orders. I have asked to do 12 kits for a Junior GS troop, and another troop asked me to complete 6 albums for their girls, plus I had an additional 6-8 album orders on eBay, craziness!
They are so time consuming, and well worth it, they are so cute. The ribbons and embellishments just make them adorable.
So, I've been busy this week doing paper bag albums, and trying to keep up with eBay orders.
What fun!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
I haven't blogged since Thursday and its now Sunday, yikes! I guess you can say its been hectic here and busy.
The weekend was pretty normal, we didn't really do anything but hang out here at the house, and Taylor & I went to the scrapbook store today to spend some girl time together and work on some scrapbook pages. WE had fun, and found some new things to do and put on our Santa Claus christmas list.........what fun!
You can always find some new and fun things at the scrapbook store, that's what is neat about that place, fun things and new things to play with.
The weather finally got COLD today -its been in the low 70's high 60's the past 3-4 days, and now its rainey again and cold. I think today only reached 54 if that. Burrh! cold , and wet, damp and dreary. no sun today!
One of those days to stay in bed all day or hang out in the PJ's and slippers and not go anywhere, but we ventured out to the scrapbook store to do something on this dreary rainy day.
This week looks busy with working on Wednesday, Parent day at school on Wednesday and the Band plays Friday night which I'm not sure if we'll go or not, probably not......but we'll see them next week hopefully on Nov.22nd.......for a great night.
The weekend was pretty normal, we didn't really do anything but hang out here at the house, and Taylor & I went to the scrapbook store today to spend some girl time together and work on some scrapbook pages. WE had fun, and found some new things to do and put on our Santa Claus christmas list.........what fun!
You can always find some new and fun things at the scrapbook store, that's what is neat about that place, fun things and new things to play with.
The weather finally got COLD today -its been in the low 70's high 60's the past 3-4 days, and now its rainey again and cold. I think today only reached 54 if that. Burrh! cold , and wet, damp and dreary. no sun today!
One of those days to stay in bed all day or hang out in the PJ's and slippers and not go anywhere, but we ventured out to the scrapbook store to do something on this dreary rainy day.
This week looks busy with working on Wednesday, Parent day at school on Wednesday and the Band plays Friday night which I'm not sure if we'll go or not, probably not......but we'll see them next week hopefully on Nov.22nd.......for a great night.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Beautiful Day
What a beautiful day, it was close to 70 degrees today, like spring! If not coats, great weather to get sick in I'm sure. But it was so nice to turn the heat off and open a window, I know my cat Smokey liked having the window open, he has his head sticking in the window right now as I type. Feels like an Indian Summer day!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
a Dreary Day
I didn't know what to blog about today, I'm very tired ready for bed. I actually can say I worked today, laughing with you --- I work part-time now at a local antique shop for the owners when they need to go to auctions, appointments or just want a day off. I worked from 12-6pm today and although normally I just sit on my butt and watch TV in the shop, also take advantage and work on my eBay or web orders too- I'm very tired. Just getting out and about and moving and not being in the house all day does tire me more. I wish I would do it daily and I'm still job seeking as I speak.
It was raining all day, no sunshine and dreary. We had 2 buying customers today which was a shocker, and 1 just looking around. I was happy to see 3 people/customers come in because Lesa told me I probably would see nobody.
So, today I worked 6 hours plus got a few orders caught up -and now I'm ready for bed. Tomorrow is another day and a day I plan on working here at home all day long to get some orders shipped. eBay has been so busy!
It was raining all day, no sunshine and dreary. We had 2 buying customers today which was a shocker, and 1 just looking around. I was happy to see 3 people/customers come in because Lesa told me I probably would see nobody.
So, today I worked 6 hours plus got a few orders caught up -and now I'm ready for bed. Tomorrow is another day and a day I plan on working here at home all day long to get some orders shipped. eBay has been so busy!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Girl Scouts
Smile Taylor!

Sunday, November 05, 2006
Halloween is officially Over!
Halloween is now officially over because the REd Rock Halloween Party is now done! WE had a blast Saturday night finishing up for Halloween, a late costume party contest but we always try to attend. Here are some photos to share of our craziness, the photos are small so please click on them to view larger. have fun checking out our craziness in costumes!

Friday, November 03, 2006
Fall is here!
I thought this photo was neat, and had to add it to today's blog, if you look close enough its a picture of Steve and I dressed for Halloween this year........

Summer is over, and I can tell its fall.......we took all our outdoor furniture, gazebo tent canopy, and decorations down today and put them in storage. Our backyard looks bare now......but it feels good to put everything away til spring.
This is the 1st year we had to pull the canopy gazebo tent down, we just took the canopy part down and left the frame standing. It looks bare, but hopefully it'll survive the winter standing alone............
Fall is here & winters' on its way! Its been in the 50's all week and tomorrow the high is suppose to be 46, burrh! I'm not looking forward to cold weather!

Summer is over, and I can tell its fall.......we took all our outdoor furniture, gazebo tent canopy, and decorations down today and put them in storage. Our backyard looks bare now......but it feels good to put everything away til spring.
This is the 1st year we had to pull the canopy gazebo tent down, we just took the canopy part down and left the frame standing. It looks bare, but hopefully it'll survive the winter standing alone............
Fall is here & winters' on its way! Its been in the 50's all week and tomorrow the high is suppose to be 46, burrh! I'm not looking forward to cold weather!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Girl Scouts Party
The Girl Scout Junior troop # 26 had their Juliette Low Birthday Celebration at their meeting on Monday. I wanted to post these photos on Tuesday but had some upload issues getting photos on my blog.
The girls had the option to dress up and also put a little Halloween in with this celebration. Juliette Low, founder of the Girl Scouts, was born on Oct.31st, so each year the girls help celebrate her birthday with a little Halloween.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Trick or Treat
Yeah! finally I got my TRICK OR TREAT NIGHT photos to upload, took me 2 days, must have been a system glitch.
Anyways, here are some photos --they are downloaded small, so CLICK ON THEM TO ENGLARGE and view bigger photos.
Above is Taylor in her so called witch hat and hair, she sat out front of the spooky tent to hand candy to the little ones who were terrified (yes terrified) to go inside and get candy from Steve who was dressed in my old man's mask and spooky sounds. The music we played made it sound worse than what was inside. Maybe next year, ya' never know.............

Above is a photo of our ugly neighbors, that is what I call this photo. Boy! are they ugly or what.............they live across the street from us and did a great job on their costumes. They had a cooL setup too on their front porch for the kids. We plan to go to another costume party with them this Sat. Cannot wait.
Anyways, here are some photos --they are downloaded small, so CLICK ON THEM TO ENGLARGE and view bigger photos.

Above is a photo of our ugly neighbors, that is what I call this photo. Boy! are they ugly or what.............they live across the street from us and did a great job on their costumes. They had a cooL setup too on their front porch for the kids. We plan to go to another costume party with them this Sat. Cannot wait.
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