Saturday, October 14, 2006

the Joy of Autumn

What to Love about Autumn. Here are some photos I took this morning of things to love about autumn. Normally the only thing I love about autumn/fall is the cooler weather, I'm a summer person & love the summer months. I love to swim, wear sandals, go barefoot and be outside alot. But after the summer hot months, I'm ready for cooLer weather.

The picture above is my backporch with some new mums I just purchased. I love mums and these were specially pretty in this watering can that simply just sits on the back porch all summer looking pretty, now its really pretty!

Here are some more mums we transplated from our front yard to the backyard, I've been wanting something with color by our smoke house out back and we hoped for the best that this move on the mums this summer would go well, and boy! did it ever, they are purple (so Steve says, I argued they were burgundy) but I guess a purplish color is in them, look great with my metal pumpkin decorations that I normally put out front of the house, this year they are by the smoke house.

Here is my favorite mum, bright burgundy and very'll eventually get transplated once fall comes to an end and the flowers lose their color. I just love this mum!

Here is our smoke house which now has color to it, plus the pumpkins help make it look nice. We have lavendar on one side and now a bright purplish mum on the other side.

This would by 2nd favorite mum which is on our backporch as well.........this cute metal pumpkin adds accent & matches the this goldish orange mum which is very very full of color. It makes it all look so fallish..(is thata word?) I'm starting to like fall/autumn with adding more mums, now we'll have plenty of mums to transplant before winter, our mums always do well in our yard.

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