Saturday, September 09, 2006

Life is too Short

I didn't know what to blog about today but realizing something today after talking to my daughter on the phone because she is spending a few days with my parents, that I miss her so much! Life is too short, therefore, decisions have to be made because Life is too short.

I'm still job hunting which really I hate. My website and eBay store are pulling some money in, keeping me going through the week which is great, but I do want to go back to work, even if its part-time work. Hopefully in a week or 2, I'll be back to work making Life a little easier on us all.

I am so glad to have a daughter, she is my life, and I love her so much --- her not being her makes me miss her even more! I sit at night and think if she's getting ready for bed, watching a move, playing games on the computer or just sitting around chatting with her mommaw and pappy. I want her to be back home with us, but she is having a few days there and she'll be home with me soon, I promise.

I know she misses Smokey, our cat, I promised her to take some pictures of him, and I will do that tomorrow.

I cannot believe its September already, back to school, fall is coming and things are changing so much! Soon the fall leaves with be changing colors, pumpkins will be sitting on front porches and Halloween is just around the corner.

We were sitting out by the fire tonight in the backyard and I had to put a sweatshirt on.........what? I thought. Its getting cooLer at night, no more AC's on (even upstairs is off) and shorts and sandals will soon be put away here in PA. I look forward to the fall months but I will miss summer so much! I love the sun, getting tan, swimming and being HOT! But just sitting here at the computer tonight, the windows are open and it smells like fall.................

Life is too short and I plan to take advantage of life and be happy! No more what ifs.......and why didn't I do this? Things are going to change for the better soon!

Well, its bedtime and I'm heading there soon to just relax and watch a little TV before I fall asleep. Good night aLL!

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