Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New Glasses or Wild Woman?

Ok, in all seriousness Taylor got new glasses the other week and I just had to take some pics. Some of the pics are having fun but the above photo shows her new look, I guess she loves herself! laugh.

And of course, smack that butt!

Is this Wild Woman or new glasses? Girls just gotta have fun!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Its Now March

Its Now March -wow! I haven't blogged in what? a month? I cannot believe this and I must get back to business.

I've been using most of my time on FACEBOOK the past month that's probably why but I have done so much the past month and I must update soon, I'm hoping this week as I intend to spend alot of evenings at home due to working double shifts and catch up on blogging.

I haven't taKen any photos the past month and been terrible at this.........I truly must get back into taking some pics.

I do know it SNOWED The past day ---and we have a blanket of white snow on the ground! about 3"-5" in most areas, and cold --very very cold!