In Memory of BARRY OLVITT a dear friend of Steve and I, who passed away last Thursday July 5th. We are sorry to hear of his passing and wish Kat the best in the future as our prayers are with her. He was a great guy who did alot for nobody but the children of the Hershey Medical Center. He was in charge of the annual TOY RUN that Harley Owners Group did yearly by raising over 10,000.00 and more each year for these kids.
I can remember almost 4-5 years ago STeve and I went along up there to see over 100 motorcycles of all kinds take this 1/2 hour run to Hershey only to see these kids faces shine......it was a memorable day when we went along and will never forget how proud Barry was.
Barry was young and had so much going for him, we are just so sorry to see him pass. We will miss him dearly and remember those kids are thanking you everyday!