Thursday, August 31, 2006
I was headed back to a 2nd interview tomorrow with them, when this morning my phone rang from a company last week I met with twice...........Heather called. Said she would like to meet with me at 5:30a.m. for a final observation interview. In other words, I go in at 5:30 and sit and watch during their busiest time of day to make sure I still want this job.....
I think they will hire me if I like pays more, about $1.00 more than the other job I was at yesterday. I do believe if I like it, and it doesn't seem overwhelming, I will take this job tomorrow morning, and hopefully start a new job after Labor Day weekend. I'm excited. Being off work for 6 months is really starting to take its toll on me.............I need to get out of here!!!!!
I will keep everyone posted after I return from this observation interview. I'll probably be home before everyone even gets out of bed.
5:30a.m.? did I say 5:30? whoa! Tonight it'll be to bed early for me. Good night everyone!
Monday, August 28, 2006
1st day of SchooL
I hope she has a good day knowing its a complete change from elementary schooL. She was excited this morning, I know that because she was ready in 1/2 hour. Although that probably will change as the year goes on........
No photos today, felt she was a little old for that. So, just sharing that today is Taylor's 1st day of Middle SchooL. Have fun!!!!!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
My new Toy
I just want to put everything in it, and clean everything up so good. I feel they clean so well, better than hand-washing sometimes, specially glassware. No more sitting glasses on the counter on dishtowels to air dry, and wondering if they are completely clean.
I just love my new toy!
Taylo'rs job now is to load and unload it, have fun girl!
Saturday, August 26, 2006
I'm Slacking
Taylor goes back to school on Monday and it should help things out, it'll just be so strange seeing her go off to school and I'm staying home. I really thought I'd have a job by now. My goal is to get something in a week, we cannot live on 1 income alone anymore. It's really hard.
I'm trying to get my last minute eBay orders all processed and shipped by mid-week and get more resumes out tomorrow and Monday. Once I go back to work, I probably won't be blogging as much either but hope I can find time to continue. I really enjoy it.
Taylor went to a YOUTH BASH tonight at our Church Fellowship Hall, I dropped her off, signed her in and it looked like a lot of fun. They seem to have alot to do for the kids, grade 6-12, and I sure hope she has fun!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Change of Heart
I did have another interview today and was asked to come back for a 2nd interview tomorrow, which sounds good. The money isn't as high but not too bad, I'm happy with it, and I think I'll enjoy this job more.
Job hunting just really stinks.....its not easy now a days.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
My New Job
I started my orientation tomorrow and then 2 day training, which leads immediately to my 1st app'ts over the weekend. My job will only be Monday thru Friday but the 1st week will be a little different. I'll update everyone as it goes.............the money sounds great too! Just what I need, something more secure.
Wish me Luck.............. Here is their website in case you want to see where or who I'm working for and what I'm selling.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Redskins Fan Club Picnic
We had fun, lots of food and drinks, horseshoes and corn hole throwing, fishing and a pintata game for the music.
I'm trying to upload my photos but I'm having problems. Hopefully soon to come...........
Friday, August 18, 2006
Softball Awards Ceremony Night
Here are the trophies all lined up, they are quite hard to see but they were clear softball girls holding a bat.
Bridget and Taylor chowing down on pizza, ummmmmmmm it was GOOD!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Happy Birthday to Taylor
She is so excited and we plan to go for a big lunch date today and play it by ear after that.........maybe take a swim and try to do some shopping later tonight if we get our car fixed.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU BABY GIRL!!!!! yes, your my baby girl.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Going Back to Work
I've been searching for a job the past 2 weeks, sending resumes' and looking online etc. But nothing has actually happened yet but 1 interview. So, I'm heading to this temp service called Gdovin in York where Steve got his permanent job through. The lady, Heather, sounds real nice.
I just cannot imagine going back to work after having all summer off. It'll seem wierd but we so need the money. We cannot live on Steve's income alone. My website just cannot pull the sales each week as my UC benefits did all summer and now they have run out.
Some weeks my website will do wonderful and overwhelming and other weeks' just won't pull 1 sale at all. So, its like playing tug of war, and chancing your sales. I cannot do that, so its JOB SEARCHING we go.
I'll update later today on what happens. I'm sure she will have something to offer me, fingers crossed XXXXX.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Our Weekend Review

This show was special cause it was a reunion show which brought back 2 members who no longer are with the band, Blue & Brownie. It was a 6 man band Sat. night.

Above is Brownie, my favoriteguiatar player. He plays my favorite song CRAZY TRAIN and sounds just like Ozzy when he sings it. We miss you Brownie!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Harley Limo
Not a Good Week
So, we have no vehicle for the weekend and my website was giving me issues all night and depressed me. Plus, I'm job searching and its not going well. Never realized job hunting would e so hard. I signed up with a temp service (which was my last source) but I'm desperate and need a job, we cannot live on just Steve's income. My website hasn't kicked off yet, so that's hurting us too, we're use to eBay bringing alot of money in and I closed my eBay store temporary, maybe I shouldn't have.
So, it's going to be a tough 2 weeks ahead of us, until I have my interview with the temp service next Wednesday and see what they have to offer me.
Fingers crossed and I'm wishing the best..........
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
My New Website
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Washington Redskins Fan Fest 2006
Ok now, how did this photo get taken? Is that a thorn between 2 roses? I'm sure Steve is loving this photo with the Redskins Cheerleaders.

Thursday, August 03, 2006
100th Post

The parade ended with the Firetrucks bringing up the rear.
A friend of ours (above) Mark and his daughter Jillian threw candy too while driving in their family antique car.
A better view above of the troop holding their flags and showing off their uniforms. The parade lasted about 1/2 hour from start to end. It was something different for our town, it came right down Market St, right in front of our house. We are celebrating Hellam Days this week with a small carnival, food and fireworks on Friday night.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Happy Birthday
He turns 36 today, eh ha -- a year older than me. As I always kid him come his birthday. I know it was a rough day but you do deserve a HAPPY BIRTHDAY ya' old fart!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
The Junior GirL Scout Sash

and sewing and more sewing..the end of year patches and badges are always fun to sew throughout the summertime. Taylor is in a parade tomorrow night here in Hellam, and she'll be walking with all the troops from the area. She wanted her badges/patches sewn on. Guess what I did tonight? fun! fun!
Here is the back of the sash where all the FUN PATCHES are placed. The fun patches are participation patches where the girl can earn in one day or a weekend event. Looks like she has earned about 16 fun patches.

Here is a close up of the front, her most pride and joy badges are the 2 badges underneath the wings (near the top) they are called Sign Badges. They are very hard to get in Junior scouts as her leader told her. She earned 2 of them this year. Good Job!
Looks like she has 21 badges and 2 sign badges.